Wednesday, October 1, 2008

So, I suck at commitment.

Two posts & then I quit?!?! What kind of commitment is that? I stink at sticking with it.

I also apparently stink at sticking with my exercise routine and my diet. I'm down 20 pounds but I should be lower than that. For the last 3 weeks, I have been maintaining. Yeah for me for being able to maintain while eating regular food, but boo for me for not being able to stick to my diet.

I have my yearly check up on October 9th. They weigh you and write your weight down on your permanent record card. I wanted to lose another 12 pounds by then. So, I started back strictly eating only diet food yesterday and lost 2 1/2 pounds in one day. That's more like it! I still can't make myself get up at 5:00 to exercise but it's baby steps, right? I did walk yesterday evening and I will exercise tonight. I have a definite goal in sight and I'm feeling very focused. I'm only 19 1/2 pounds from my absolute goal weight. I can do this! Right?

Another commitment I'm struggling with ... and I hate to say this ... is the commitment to get up and go to church on Sunday mornings. I never miss my working mom's prayer/play group meetings. I pray constantly. But, I'm stinking it up in the Bible study & church department. Why is that? I know what a huge reward I get when I'm active. Why is it suddenly so hard to get a shower on Sunday morning? Why is it so hard to find time to read the Bible? Those should be as automatic as eating. What's wrong with me? Even worse, how have I gotten so low that I justify it as okay? I hate making Scarlett get up another day of the week. That child loves her sleep and I feel awful having to wake her on work days. I make up for it by letting her sleep on Saturday and Sunday. Isn't it more important for her to grow up in the church? What's wrong with me?!?!

For what it's worth, Scarlett is doing great in her new school class. She loves the "big girl" class and Ms. Caroline. It makes my mornings so much easier when she's happy. I still wish I could be a stay at home mom but it's nice that she's happy and learning. They taught her the days of the week last week. I never would have thought to teach that to a two year old.

Scarlett is also completely potty trained now. I don't know how it happened and I'm really not ready for it. Diapers are so much easier than public bathrooms. Ugh ... gives me chills just thinking about all that nastiness. Scarlett had been poopy potty trained since she was about 6 months old (long story) but we weren't working on tee-tee at all. She found some big girl panties that Mimi bought for her, put them on, and that was it. She had a couple of accidents the first day but since then she's been dry. This kid is too easy. She's tricking me into thinking that children are easy. If we ever have another one, I'm sure I will be "blessed" with the total opposite end of the spectrum. Scarlett's behavior has nothing to do with my job as a parent. She's just easy. And, that's the last time I ever want to hear my daughter called "easy".

The court case with Skyler is moving at a snail's pace. Actually, it's not moving at all. We did win three motions that the judge had to rule on in the beginning of September. Since then, nothing. At this point, Skyler is going to be in college by the time the case goes to trial.

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