Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Invisible cold

I'm sick. For the past year or so, I don't get sick like a normal person. I get a cold and my throat hurts, my ears feel like they are going to explode, my back hurts, and I am exhausted. But, I don't cough, my nose doesn't run, my eyes don't water ... nothing visible. You can't look at me and tell that I'm sick. In fact, I have to remind Jeremy a thousand times a day that I'm sick. Not that this grants me any more sympathy - I just like to remind him.

On one hand, this internally sickness is a good thing. My nose isn't red. People don't shy away from my hacking cough. I'm not spending money on Puff's Plus.

On the other hand, this really stinks. I don't know what medicine you take for this. And, honestly, the no sympathy thing really gets to me. People still expect you to function at 100% and I'm just not there.

I'm not letting this invisible cold get me down though. I still worked out with my Wii Fit for 35 minutes last night. I unlocked boxing and had a blast playing that. I still got up at 5 this morning and walked for 30 minutes. I'm not going to fall off the exercise wagon this early.

I also lost another pound yesterday. I'm down 12 pounds in 12 days. I even cheated a little yesterday and ate some of Scarlett's dinner. I have got to stop doing that! I guess I have those starving kids in Africa seared into my brain and I can't seem to throw away food. I guess the smart thing to do would be to make our portions smaller, huh?

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